If you’re a current sponsor or partner, or maybe thinking of working with me in the future, maybe don’t read this one. If you continue to read, I promise that I’m very professional and mature in my role as an athlete and a writer. However, remember I’m also a twenty-something-year-old boy…
Yesterday, while out training I put up a very innocent Instagram story:
“Thought of the Day: Does anyone else pee in the same place when they do a certain route, or am I just exhibiting dog behaviour”
So far this year, I have ridden 76hrs and 27minutes. On average, that means I’ve spent four hours each day on my bicycle. Of course, some days are longer, some days are shorter. Also note, I mostly train solo and I estimate 70% of these hours have been alone.
What am I getting at? Well, I spend a lot of time by myself, and a lot of time thinking random thoughts.
As I pulled into Santa Coloma, a small town fifty minutes ride away from Girona, I needed to pee. There are plenty of good pee spots before, and immediately after the town, but I waited for my pee spot. That spot is a grassy, gravelly area at the bottom of the climb. I stop there every time I do that loop. It’s the spot behind the text on the above Instagram story.
A thought popped into my head: I always pee here, like a dog marking my territory. Is anyone else the same? Hence the Instagram story….
It wasn’t until the top of the climb, after completing my first set of intervals that I checked my phone and learned that I am not alone. The response was overwhelming, we all have our special spots.
I’d clearly struck cyclist-psychology gold here.
There were close to thirty individual replies, here’s a sample of the responses:
“Yes, every time, whether I need one or not.”
“I stop at the same place, doesn’t even matter how badly I need to pee.”
“It’s a routine that helps with motivation - called pee motivation.”
“100% there are designated pee spots. I stop in those sports even when I don’t have to go.”
This got me thinking even further, there’s not just the aforementioned spot on the edge of Santa Coloma. I always pee at the top of Els Angels too, always on the right side of the road, never the left. On the Oix-Beget loop, I always stop in the same place no matter my bladder situation. Then, at the bottom of Sant Grau on the coast road, I always pull in to pee/admire the view.
Thinking even more (it was a long ride, okay) I debated my favourite all-time pee stops. This is a tough question but in no particular order.

From top left…
Oix-Beget loop
That spot above Gold Hill Store in Boulder
Bottom of Sant Grau
That place just north of San Francisco by the coast
On top of a mountain on training camp when I raced in France.
Now, these are just the first few pees that come to mind, the list is, obviously, much longer.
Interesting, and if you’re still reading at this point, I’m impressed.
Now, this isn’t the first time I’ve thought about where I pee on a ride. I’ve had an app idea for years now that I would call iPee, it’s a double entendre of sorts as your data is also your IP. I digress.
How cool would it be for endurance athletes to see every location they stop to pee when running, riding, or hiking and then look back on it?
This time next year…
Steve, if you’re reading, is there any psychology around this? Is it simply that we’re all creatures of habit? For readers, Steve is Steve Vaughan, or now Dr Vaughan. We have have worked together for years now. I’d love to know if there’s something psychologically going on here, or if we’re all just a touch odd.
Anyway, that’s enough of my musings on pee stops. If anyone wants to invest in iPee, you know where I am.
Oh, and if you want to hear more of my random on bike thoughts, please Subscribe…
While you’re here…
I’ve added a paid subscription and a ‘Buy Me A Coffee’ link to this post. As the year progresses, I’m planning on building this blog and putting out articles which I’ve always wanted to write but for whatever reason, haven’t wanted to pitch.
Any money that I make from either my Substack or BMaC link will go straight back into supporting my 2025 racing project. I am planning on keeping all content on here free to view.
Project TAG, proudly partnering (for my athletic, influencing and maybe pee location ability) with…