
Video: Inside the World Champs Peloton | Privateer Diaries

What it was like inside the race, and a look to the next adventure

Hey everyone!

I’m coming at you from the departure lounge at Girona Airport. My flight to London has been delayed, but luckily I’ve got my Aeropress and a beautiful view of the Catalonian mountains.

Thanks for the feedback after my last piece. If anything, it taught me that everyone is here for a slightly different reason. Some of you love road racing, some of you love gravel. Some hang around for what it’s like in the race, and others want the logistics side of things.

Thanks to everyone who reached out, it means a lot and you’ll see some of the suggestions appear on here in the coming weeks and months. I have a couple of deadlines to cover for my ‘day job’ (copywriting) but once they’re out the way it’ll be more and more Substack.

In this video ‘Privateer Diaries’, I sit down with Nick Twigg from Pullwood Consulting. We talk about what it was like inside Gravel World Champs peloton, and what my next adventure is.


Project TAG, proudly partnering (both for my athletic and influencing ability) with…

While you’re here…

I’ve added a paid subscription and a ‘Buy Me A Coffee’ link to this post. As the year progresses, I’m planning on building this blog and putting out articles which I’ve always wanted to write but for whatever reason, haven’t wanted to pitch.

Any money that I make from either my Substack or BMaC link will go straight back into supporting my 2024 racing project. I am planning on keeping all content on here free to view though.
