I may or may not have messed up some dates here. I clearly haven’t had enough coffee today.

If your copy says “February 27th”, I meant “January 27th”. Unfortunately, I cannot time travel.

Yes, I’m silly. Yes, I should’ve sent this to my sister English teacher sister to edit like I normally do.

If your copy says January, then ignore this whole comment and pretend that I never messed up.

Thanks for reading :)

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Congratulations Joe👏👏So happy for you, and excited to see where this is going and what it all entails. And I swear that text somehow gets altered between one typing it, checking it, pressing 'send' and it reaching the recipients🤪🤗

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Nice one Joe, keep them coming ;-)

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You might consider making the logos of your sponsors a hyperlink to their homepage. I was interested to learn more about pullwood consulting.

Look forward to hearing more about project tag in the next instalment.

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On the to do list for next to Ruari! I tried to get it done this time but lost the battle with Substack and was about to get off the train so just hit publish.

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www.pullwood.consulting would love to chat ;-)

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